Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cascade Falls: Giles County, Va.

Cascade Falls freezes each winter, creating a small mountain of icicles rising from what is in summertime a deep pool.  

Icicles line the 2 mile route to the falls during the winter months.
An impressive sight at any time of year, the 69-foot cascade falls is located in Giles County, Va.

Located 20 miles west of Blacksburg, the falls are a worthwhile side-trip for anyone visiting Virginia Tech or traveling on Interstate 81.
It's a two mile uphill hike to reach the falls.  There's about 800' of total elevation gain from the parking area to the falls.  The trail is generally well-kept and follows the trout-filled Little Stony Creek. 

Located away from major population centers, the area is rich in wildlife.  Deer often browse alongside the trail and owls hunt along the stream in the evening hours.  Black bears are also a common sight in the area; in fact, Blacksburg is home to the Black Bear Research Center.

Swimming in the pool at the base of the falls in warmer weather is great fun, and the water is quite cold all year round.

Viewing platforms constructed alongside the falls provide an easily accessible way to view Cascade Falls from multiple angles.

Parking is $3.00 so be sure you have some cash before driving out to the trail head.

The sun sinks below the horizon early here; much of the trail is shaded by the surrounding mountains.